Fire Compartmentation Service UK
Fire compartmentation is one of the most effective ways to limit the spread of fire and smoke within your building.
Why Compartmentation Is Important
Service penetrations such as heating pipes, ductwork, soil pipes and electrical cables pass through the walls and floors within the fabric of the building. They are usually hidden away underneath the ceiling tiles or located in a service riser. During a fire these services can burn away, allowing the spread of fire and smoke into the room above or next-door.
By dividing the building up into separate compartments and installing the certified products correctly by an approved installer the chances of the fire spreading is greatly reduced.
Why Choose Us?
If you have had any building works carried out within your premises recently it is highly probable that your fire compartmentation has been breached. At EAFP, our fully qualified engineers use advanced fire safety plans to divide your rooms into zones.
All of our fire compartmentation installation processes are fully compliant, certified and clearly laid out for you. We have third party accreditation under the FIRAS scheme, various Health & Safety accreditations and ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance. All our fire compartmentation services also comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Call 07887712142 or email to get free advice or to discuss an on-site survey.